Well, Spring break was nearly 5 weeks ago, but better late than never ...
Our Spring Break was a good one! Matt of course, being a teacher got the whole week off and I was able to have the last two days off. Matt spoiled the boys and kept them home for two days as well, so technically they only had to go to school for one day during that week. Lucky guys! They enjoyed their Daddy days for sure. I know Daddy did too, because he didn't have to fight for the boys attention - I can be some tough competition ;)
On Thursday, when we were all able to be home together, we decided to tackle our first experience of taking the Boys to the Movie Theatre to see Zootopia. We felt that at home, they can stay pretty interested in a show or movie if it is to their liking. I pact a few snacks to keep them busy and their sippy cups and off we went.
Walker and William did great! Unfortunately, we didn't make it through the entire movie so Matt and I had to Google how it ends - Hey, it's a really good movie!
We were so proud at how well Walker and William did. We felt it was time to leave when the snacks were gone and they were in the process of jumping back and forth from seat to seat. When I tried to grab Walker to get him to stop, he got a little mad. Matt and I looked at each other and said "it's time to go".
We were so proud at how well Walker and William did. We felt it was time to leave when the snacks were gone and they were in the process of jumping back and forth from seat to seat. When I tried to grab Walker to get him to stop, he got a little mad. Matt and I looked at each other and said "it's time to go".
After the movie, we went to lunch at Cane's (where Matt took me on our first date - Yes, my future Husband took me to Cane's on our first date. That's a whole other story in it's self. However, I wouldn't have it any other way. I just like to tease him about it.) and mmm ... it was good! After that, we spent the rest of the day relaxing and in the evening Aunt Patti and Uncle Shawn came over so that Matt and I could go on a date.
Our excuse for our date night was to celebrate my promotion at work (I am now the Director at the Daycare I have worked at for many years. YAY!) and Matt getting Teacher of the Year at his School (not to mention, this is his second time receiving this award).
... I have to brag on my husband for a quick moment - because I'm allowed to. Matt amazes me in so many ways. In the way he is with Walker and William in how much he loves them and loves being with them. He amazes me with how much love he has for me and in the ways he shows me each and everyday. And I am amazed in the Teacher that he is. I am so proud of the person he is and in the many roles that he plays.
Needless to say, we went out to celebrate! It was a great night to go out too! Two of the different places we went to were having a live band. That is always enjoyable. The only thing was ... I started feeling sick, causing us to have to end our night early and go home - There was a tummy bug going around at school for a few weeks and it seems that I caught it (I would rather it be me then my kids though!). Either way, it was nice to have a night out with my Man.
On Saturday, Walker and William got to experience another first ... They got to go to the Zoo for the first time (good thing they went and saw Zootopia two days before!). They seemed to really enjoy seeing all of the animals & I can't wait to take them again, and hopefully see even more excitement on their faces.
We were going to the Zoo to celebrate Stevie T's Birthday, so after the Zoo we headed to a pizza place to eat and play games.
The rest of our Spring break was spent relaxing at home and catching up on some MUCH needed rest.
We were going to the Zoo to celebrate Stevie T's Birthday, so after the Zoo we headed to a pizza place to eat and play games.
The rest of our Spring break was spent relaxing at home and catching up on some MUCH needed rest.
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