For a while I wondered when they would begin to have a brotherly relationship, and within the last few weeks I can see it blossoming. They are starting to play together more, which is so cute to watch. Lately, they have become attached to their paci and lovie (mainly because they got sick - will post about that later). They always have a different colored one so that I will know who's is who's, and lately they know which ones are theirs too. It blows my mind! Which makes me think that they can't be colored blind, so that's a good thing. But when Walker spots his lovie, he grabs it and puts the paci in his mouth (which is attached to the lovie), and then if Walker sees that William doesn't have his, he grabs it and runs over to William and will put the paci in his mouth. It's so cute! It's like he doesn't want him to be without it because he knows how it feels to be without it. It's sweet gestures like that, that makes me hopeful for their relationship and friendship in the future.
They both still aren't talking much. But I'm mainly just ready for them to at least call me "Mommy" and Matt, "Daddy" - All in due time.
Here are a few pictures of my boys lately ...
Playing at School
They love wearing their hats.
And they look so cute in them!
Playing together
William was drinking out of a straw
for the first time.
Watching a show together
Also on this day, 36 years ago, my Mom and Dad got married! Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad/Nonie & Pawpaw! We love you!!!
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