About a month ago, Matt's Dad and Step-mom came to visit us from Seattle for a weekend. We hadn't seen them since the boys were about 5 weeks old, so it was great to see them and hang out for a few days. They flew in on a Friday and left Sunday. We didn't have much planned for them to do, with it being such a short visit so we did a lot of just hanging around and catching up. It was a little cold and rainy all weekend, so that prevented us from doing a whole lot. The boys were still in the process of getting over their tummy bug, so I felt bad that they had to experience that during their visit as well.
On Friday night when Papa Barone and Gram got to our house, the Boys were just about to go to sleep so they got to see them for a few minutes before it was bed time. And then Papa got to put Walker to sleep, while giving him his bottle.
Saturday Morning Papa and Gram came over for Breakfast. I made them a yummy Texas Breakfast of eggs and bacon with biscuits and gravy. Saturday was cold and rainy, so I decided to make Chili for everybody for dinner. That way it could cook all day, and I wouldn't really have to worry about making dinner (I love meals like that!).
Eating Breakfast with Papa

Matt's sister, Kristen along with her two kids, Lynleigh and Logan were planning on coming that weekend as well. They live close to Dallas and that whole week before, Dallas had some snow so we were worried they weren't going to be able to make the trip. But they were able to leave Saturday morning for a quick trip. I'm glad they did too, because I love when Walker and William get to play with their Cousins. Especially since we don't get to see them that often. While we waited for Kristen and the kids to make it to College Station, Matt, Papa and Gram went out for a bit to get some Texas A&M gear (WHOOP!), and drive around campus. When they got back, we all went out for lunch at Chicken Oil. We hadn't been there in a while and it was yummy! We enjoyed taking Gram and Papa some where local and different. After that, we came back home and let the Boys swing for a bit. And right at that time, Kristen and the kids showed up! The rest of the day we all just hung out and talked. It was nice to catch up.
The next morning, everybody came over again and I made breakfast (it's my favorite meal of the day). I almost wish I knew how to cook grits, and give them a real good southern breakfast meal. MMM ... Kristen and the Kids hung out for a little while longer and then it was time for them to head back home. Papa and Gram stayed for a little bit and then it was time for them to head to the airport. We were sad to see them go. Definitely wish we could see them more often.
I adore Logan's smile in this picture.
He looks so excited to play with Walker.
This picture was taken shortly after they arrived.
Lynleigh is so grown up now.
She's reading a book to Papa Barone.
Papa Barone playing with all the Grands.
We look forward to the next visit!
We miss you all already.