I have always loved Christmas. I enjoy the decorations, and going to look at Christmas lights. I embrace the spirit of it all. I just love it. And I've started to see that after having kids, that I am going to enjoy Christmas even more as Walker and William get older. They don't understand the concept of Christmas yet, but I look forward for when they do. Growing up, I always loved getting together with my family and playing with my Cousins and I can't wait to see the Boys experience that as well. It will be fun as they get older and we can start traditions with them during the season that they will enjoy. Christmas is a wonderful, yet busy time and I can't help but feel blessed during it all.
Last year's Christmas was a little hard. It was the Boy's first Christmas and I was looking forward to it. I was excited for my family members that had yet to meet Walker and William. It would be their first time meeting them, and that's always exciting. Unfortunately, after just being in Daycare for a week, they caught a tummy bug. Matt and I thought we would try and stick it out and stick with our Christmas plans. But when we arrived to my Parents' house, it got worse and we felt it was best if we headed back home before any of the family Christmases began. I was so sad. Before we left my parents house, all I could do was cry. Nothing was going as planned and sometimes, that is just reality. Especially with kids. If I hadn't learned that yet, I defiantly learned it that night. So Matt and I headed home with the boys and I continued to cry as I thought about how much I was missing my Family. But I have an amazing and loving husband and he tried everything in his power to make Walker and William's first Christmas a great one. And although, they were sick I was thankful to spend their first Christmas as their Mom and Dad.
Christmas 2013
This year, we had to encounter five Christmas gatherings. It sounds a little crazy, but as I get older I enjoy seeing and being with my family more then even now. I love when Walker and William get to spend time with their family.
Our First Christmas was with Nonie and Pawpaw (my Mom and Dad). Growing up, my Mom and Dad always seemed to pull off the best Christmases for my Sisters and I. I don't know how they did it, but I have so many childhood memories that revolve around Christmas morning; my sister Racheal coming in my room early in the morning to wake me up, caring me through the living room to our Parents' room, telling me not to peak at the gifts so that I wouldn't see what Santa brought me (even though she had already peaked for herself). Then having to wait what seemed like an eternity while our Mom and Dad set up the video camera. However, Christmas is a little different at my Parents' house now with little ones running around, yet it's still just as special. We headed to Nonie and Pawpaw's house the day before Christmas Eve so that we can carry on the tradition of waking up Christmas morning to presents (Christmas Eve Morning, is just as good). The Boys made out like bandits at Nonie and Pawpaw's for sure! They got bean bag chairs, Tonka trucks, and suit cases. Along with other toys and clothes. They both love sitting in their bean bag chairs, while watching movies. They also like to sit in their Tonka dump trucks as well.
Sitting in their bean bag chairs,
watching a Christmas Movie
Walker looks like he is ready to drive his Tonka Truck
William just wants to sit in his.
It's pretty cute!

Christmas Eve Night we headed to Mimi and Gee's house. A tradition we have done since my oldest cousins were itty bitty. It is a tradition that I am unable to break. It's a little insane, but I love it! I am one of the youngest out of my cousins, so most of my cousins have kids too. At this years Christmas, there were 15 kids between the ages of 1 (the boys) and I'm guessing about 11 (I can't really keep track of that). It was a mad house once everyone was there and it was time to open presents. The Boys also started to get a little cranky when it was time to open presents. I think they were just tired from their day and ready for bed. But they stuck it out like champs until it was time to leave. After that, Matt and I drove home so that we could wake up Christmas Morning at home. It was late when we got home, but one of my favorite things that we did as kids, was before we left to head home from Mimi and Gee's house, all the Grandkids put on their pajamas so that when we got home we are able to jump right into bed so that Santa could stop by our house. We always loved showing off our pajamas to one another. And so of course, that's what the Boys did as well.
Christmas Eve at Mimi and Gee's
I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked.
But they looked super cute!
Merry Christmas Morning!
Christmas morning we woke up and lead the boys to the presents. I say "lead" because when they woke up they didn't want to go to the living room first. They wanted to eat breakfast. They aren't at the age to where they understand the concept of presents so it was mainly Matt and I opening the gifts for them, but once they saw what was in the bag, they were ready to play. We enjoyed the day so much. I didn't let that there were toys all over the living room bother me. It was fun! I think the Boys enjoyed playing with their new toys all day and staying in their pajamas (who doesn't enjoy a day like that?).
We spent the next day at home and then it was off to spend Christmas with Matt's side of the Family.
Christmas number 4 was spent with Papa's side of the family. This Christmas is even crazier then Mimi and Gee's and twice as many kids! It was great to see everybody and the food was yummy! And probably one of my favorite things about it is that I get to see my Sister Alisha and her family there too. I get to spend one extra Christmas with them, which I love! We do the Chinese Gift Exchange during this Christmas, and I love it! Everybody brings such great gifts and it ends up getting pretty competitive!
On the road to another Christmas ...
Then last, but not least it was time to wrap up our Christmas festivities at Matt's Parents house. There wasn't much going on because Kristen, Matt's sister's kids were sick so we were unable to spend the Holiday with her so Walker and William got to have Nana and Papa all to themselves. The Boys' got car seats for Christmas from Nana and Papa for Daddy's truck. Exciting stuff! At least, I think it's pretty exciting because now Matt and I don't have to switch cars all the time and we will all be able to ride in Daddy's truck together instead of always having to take mine. We spent a few extra days with Nana and Papa and it was so nice. I think Matt really enjoyed getting to watch the Texans and Aggie game with his Dad instead of by himself while I do other things around the house.
Playing in a ball pit in Nana & Papa's living room!
How cool!
Daddy liked it too!
Walker, hanging with Papa
We headed home Monday evening after the A&M game, and at home is where we are staying for the remainder of the Christmas break. I don't think we could have asked for a better Christmas!
The Boys also got a bouncy house for Christmas from Papa Barone and Gram in Washington. I know the Boys are going to have a BLAST with that in a few months! It will be fun to share those pictures!
We hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
The Barones